S T R O L L E R | 嬰 幼 兒 手 推 車
首頁 | HOME
嬰兒車購買|Stroller shop
嬰兒車租賃|Stroller rental
租賃流程說明| Rental process explaine
常見問題|Common problem
租賃合約條款|Rental contract terms
聯絡我們|contact us
首頁 | HOME
嬰兒車購買|Stroller shop
嬰兒車租賃|Stroller rental
租賃流程說明| Rental process explaine
常見問題|Common problem
租賃合約條款|Rental contract terms
聯絡我們|contact us
S T R O L L E R | 嬰 幼 兒 手 推 車
首頁 | HOME
嬰兒車購買|Stroller shop
嬰兒車租賃|Stroller rental
租賃流程說明| Rental process explaine
常見問題|Common problem
租賃合約條款|Rental contract terms
聯絡我們|contact us
首頁 | HOME
嬰兒車購買|Stroller shop
嬰兒車租賃|Stroller rental
租賃流程說明| Rental process explaine
常見問題|Common problem
租賃合約條款|Rental contract terms
聯絡我們|contact us
租賃商品 - AOK STROLLER |嬰幼兒手推車租賃租借服務|產品購買|原廠直營|終身保固|旅遊出租|嬰兒車租借
租賃 Rental| LONDON Eye Stroller 嬰幼兒手推車 | 春節旅遊季 日租 ( 7天 ) / Rental for 7 days 特價 $799元
日租(7天)租金 / Rental (7 days):$799元 + 押金 / Deposit:$1500元 ( 車台歸還後退還押金 / The deposit will be refunded after the stroller is returned.)<br><br>【租賃步驟】<br>1、請確認租借天數、顏色、付款方式後,完成訂單。<br> Please confirm the rental days, color, and payment method before completing the order.<br>2、完成訂單後,網站會跳轉至「租賃時間預約」(如未跳轉煩請與我們聯絡)。<br> After completing the order, the website will jump to "Rental Time Reservation" (please contact us if it does not jump)<br>3、如您選擇刷卡,客服會與您聯絡,並發送結帳刷卡連結給您,成成付款,後續會再與您確認租賃排程。<br> If you pay by credit card , customer service will contact you and send you a checkout link to charge your credit card. The payment will be made and the rental schedule will be confirmed with you later.<br><br>【寄送方式】<br>*運送方式為順豐速運,單趟寄送運費為 $280元。<br>The shipping method is SF Express, and the shipping fee for a single trip is $280.<br>*如回程需要派運到府收貨,請與客服聯絡收貨時間,運費則由押金中扣除,運費為$280元(歸還時)<br>If you need to have the goods delivered to your home for the return trip, please contact customer service for the delivery time. The freight will be deducted from the deposit and the freight will be $280 (when returned)<br><br>【物流配送過程無收取租金】<br>例:08/01租借,07/31為配送日則不收租金<br>例:08/30歸還,08/31為配送日則不收租金<br>*如有任何問題歡迎來信客服信箱:allourkids@aokmedtech.com或來電服務專線:(02) 8698-2016
租賃 Rental| LONDON Eye Stroller 嬰幼兒手推車 | 春節旅遊季月租 (30天 )/Rental for 30 days 特價 $990元
月租(30天)租金 / Rental (7 days):$990元 + 押金/:$1500元 ( 車台歸還後退還押金/ The deposit will be refunded after the stroller is returned.)<br><br>【租賃步驟】<br>1、請確認租借天數、顏色、付款方式後,完成訂單。<br>Please confirm the rental days, color, and payment method before completing the order.<br>2、完成訂單後,網站會跳轉至「租賃時間預約」(如未跳轉煩請與我們聯絡)。<br>After completing the order, the website will jump to "Rental Time Reservation" (please contact us if it does not jump)<br>3、如您選擇刷卡,客服會與您聯絡,並發送結帳刷卡連結給您,成成付款,後續會再與您確認租賃排程。<br>If you pay by credit card , customer service will contact you and send you a checkout link to charge your credit card. The payment will be made and the rental schedule will be confirmed with you later.<br>【運送方式】<br>*運送方式為順豐速運,單趟寄送運費為 $280元。<br>The shipping method is SF Express, and the shipping fee for a single trip is $280.<br>*如回程需要派運到府收貨,請與客服聯絡收貨時間,運費則由押金中扣除,運費為$280元(歸還時)<br>If you need to have the goods delivered to your home for the return trip, please contact customer service for the delivery time. The freight will be deducted from the deposit and the freight will be $280 (when returned)【物流配送過程無收取租金】<br>例:08/01租借,07/31為配送日則不收租金<br>例:08/30歸還,08/31為配送日則不收租金<br>*如有任何問題歡迎來信客服信箱:allourkids@aokmedtech.com或來電服務專線:(02) 8698-2016
『 Rent to Own 月租方案 』 - 輕鬆付 方便新手爸媽!| LONDON Eye 嬰幼兒手推車 | 一個月$1599元
『 Rent to Own 月租方案 』 - 先租好用再買!輕鬆付,方便新手爸媽! <br><br>【方案方式】每個月租金$1599,連續租滿六個月,嬰兒車即歸您的!<br><br>【月租租金狀況】<br>第 1 個月 | $1599元 + 押金:$1500元 (租滿六個月後退還押金)<br>第 2 個月 | $1599元<br>第 3 個月 | $1599元<br>第 4 個月 | $1599元<br>第 5 個月 | $1599元<br>第 6 個月 | $1599元<br><br>連續租滿6個月,嬰兒車即為您的,不必歸還!<br>讓您可享受體驗及試用的過程,以租賃轉購買,如6個月內欲提出中斷方案,也可以隨時中斷您的方案,即須將中斷的月份之費用結清即可。<br>*重要提醒:若選擇此方案,於出貨後,即不能更改,請謹慎考慮!(一個月以30天計算)<br> 如中途欲終止租借,請將車台歸還,確認後兩週內退還押金。<br><br>【租賃步驟】<br>1、請確認租借天數、顏色、付款方式後,完成訂單。<br>2、完成訂單後,網站會跳轉至「租賃時間預約」(如未跳轉煩請與我們聯絡)。<br>3、如您選擇刷卡,客服會與您聯絡,並發送結帳刷卡連結給您,成成付款,後續會再與您確認租賃排程。<br><br>【運送方式】<br>*運送方式為順豐速運,單趟寄送運費為 $280元。<br>*如回程需要派運到府收貨,請與客服聯絡收貨時間,運費則由押金中扣除,運費為$280元(歸還時)<br><br>【物流配送過程無收取租金】<br>例:08/01租借,07/31為配送日則不收租金<br>例:08/30歸還,08/31為配送日則不收租金<br><br>【租借說明】<br>租期前一天為自取日 / 送達日|例:08/01租借,07/31送達<br>最後一日為歸還日|例:租到08/30,請於08/30 前寄回<br><br>*如有任何問題歡迎來信客服信箱:allourkids@aokmedtech.com或來電服務專線:(02) 8698-2016<br>
加購組| LONDON/ Eye 配件3件組 - 蚊帳、雨遮、杯架 ( 計次 )
選擇任何一種承租方案 + 加租價299元/次【配件3件組】(蚊帳、雨遮、杯架)<br><br>*如有任何問題歡迎來信客服信箱:allourkids@aokmedtech.com或來電服務專線:(02) 8698-2016
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